Guillaume de Machaut,
In memoriam, Nostre Dame Mass
Year 2010
Label Æon
Reference AECD 1093
Duration 75:34
Format CD (1)
This album pays homage to the greatest composer of the fourteenth century with his most emblematic work, the celebrated Nostre Dame Mass. This version explores the exhaustive possibilities that are offered by musica ficta, i.e. the treatment of alterations (sharps and flats) that are not always written in the original sources of the manuscript. Using the reading techniques of the time, the sounds of this masterpiece are brought to light in an extraordinary way.
Either side of the Nostre Dame Mass, the isorythmic motets celebrate musicians like Philippe de Vitry, inventor of Ars nova, Guillaume de Machaut, and all a hole host of lesser known composers, all cited in different texts.
Guillaume de Machaut, Nostre Dame Mass, Sanctus
Christel Boiron
Caroline Magalhaes
Marie-Claude Vallin
Lucien Kandel
Xavier Olagne
Thierry Peteau
Jérémie Couleau
Marc Busnel
Guillaume Orly
Joseph Rassam
gothic organ
01. Gratissima virginis – vos qui admiramini, Philippe de Vitry
02. Adesto, Anonymous, Codex Robertsbridge (organ diminution)
03. Impudenter – Virtutibus laudabilis, Philippe de Vitry
04. Musicalis sciencia – Sciencie laudabili, Pierre de Bruges, Codex Ivrea
05. Alma polis religio – Axe poli cum artica, Gilles d’Orléans, Codex Chantilly
06. Appolinis ecclipsatur – Pantheon abluitur, Bernard de Cluny
07. Tribum, Anonymous, Codex Robertsbridge (organ diminution)
08 – 15. Nostre Dame Mass, Guillaume de Machaut
08. Kyrie 1
09. Christe
10. Kyrie 2 – Kyrie 3
11. Gloria
12. Credo
13. Sanctus
14. Agnus dei
15. Ite missa est
16. Benedicamus Domino, Anonymous, Codex Faenza (organ diminution)
17. Armes, amours – o flour des flours, F. Andrieu (Eustache Deschamps’ poems) Ballade double, Codex Chantilly